Ehae! I've been meaning to drop you a note to say how much I've been enjoying your Substack. This post in particular resonated with me, as I too am a fledgling writer (though it's been a long dormant impulse in me, truth be told).

It's indeed difficult to share one's words and to put ourselves out there, but whenever I'm feeling a bit reticent to do so I think about the poem "Why bother?" by Sean Thomas Dougherty:

"Because right now, there is someone

out there with

a wound in the exact shape

of your words."

So please continue to share your writing generously - I for one will be here reading and cheering you on!

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Hi Ramya! Oh my goodness thank you so much for this lovely comment and I’m grateful that you’ve been reading! The poem you shared is so apt and such good encouragement to keep going. I’m glad you’re sharing your words too and I look forward to delving into your universe!

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I reckon I'll love the new ... I suppose I can call it series. Being a not-widely-read writer who struggled (and still struggles) with putting my writing out there, I could relate to this. Writing can be a lonely, vulnerable, daunting affair. But it is indeed important to share your writing, to grow as a writer.

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Thanks so much Augustine. It is indeed a struggle but it does get easier the more you do it, and sharing feels like coming out on the other side of the loneliness you’ve described.

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It’s getting hot Ehae! Whew…the cadence on that last paragraph was the cherry for me. Let’s go!!💪🏾😮‍💨

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Ah thank you Wale!

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